1. Notify The Western Charitable Foundation office on 020 7724 7702 and give your name, the name of the deceased and synagogue they belonged to.

If the burial office is closed please leave the details on the answer phone. On Sunday mornings between 9.00am and 12.00pm when the office is closed there will be an emergency number for you to contact.

2. Obtain a death certificate from the doctor or hospital, stating the cause of death.

3. Make an appointment with the Registrar for Births and Deaths in the vicinity where the death occurred and obtain the certificate for burial (green disposal form) from the registrar.

4. Phone the burial office once you have been issued with the relevant documentation. The burial office will advise what to do next.

5. Contact the Synagogue Administrator who will assist with shiva chairs and prayer books and liaise with the Rabbi about the funeral and shiva. If you wish, you may contact your own Orthodox Rabbi.

6. Speak personally with the Rabbi about the funeral service and shiva arrangements, and consider the text for the eulogy.

7. Notify family and friends of the arrangements.